Předvánoční anglické kino

Napsal uživatel jkrecek dne Po, 22. 01. 2024 – 21:52

Tak je to dnes na den přesně měsíc, kdy si Elgartka jako každý rok vyrazila do kina na promítání anglického filmu. Ne všichni měli to štěstí. Někteří se snažili dát doma dohromady po náročném výběrovém lyžařském kurzu, jiní měli tu smůlu, že je schvátil covid či jiná zákeřná choroba. Valná většina našeho studentstva ale mohla v předvánoční čtvrtek zhlédnout v kinech Lucerna a Art premiéru nového britsko-řeckého filmu How To Have Sex.

A o čem že to bylo? I když by název mohl svádět k úvahám, že šlo o nějakou pitomoučkou lechtivou komedii pro náctileté ve stylu American Pie, jednalo se o drama, a rozhodně ne o snadné pokoukání. Filmový web filmeurope.cz snímek stručně popisuje následovně:

Tři britské teenagerky jedou na prázdniny a doufají, že je čeká nejlepší léto jejich života – naplno se vrhají do divokého nočního života. Skvělý, neonem prozářený debut kameramanky a režisérky Molly Manning Walker o trojici britských teenagerek na divoké prázdninové jízdě plné alkoholu zaznamenal obrovský úspěch na festivalu v Cannes. Vtipný, promyšlený, ale zničující pohled na složitost ženského přátelství a sexualitu dospívajících.

Pohled filmových kritiků tedy známe, ale jak film vidělo elgarťácké publikum? Požádal jsem své studenty o zpětnou vazbu, a jak už to bývá, názory se různily. Bylo zajímavé sledovat, jak oscilují od „simply the best“ po „absolute rubbish“. Tak to ale u umění, které má vzbudit diskusi, bývá. Ještě jednou děkuji za všechny komentáře, které jste poslali, ať byly jakékoliv, a pevně věřím, že se nám pro letošní předvánoční čas také podaří vybrat film, o kterém bude stát za to si povídat.

Rudolf Dostálek


Podobně jako na csfd.cz zařazuji níže osm krátkých reakcí studentů na výše uvedený film. Zachovávám původní znění, neupravuji a neuvádím jména, pouze příslušnost k ročníku:

Hello, for me the movie was really boring i dont like this type of movie i am more into fantasy, action,detective, adventurous or comedic type of movies. I didnt like the whole idea of the movie because it describes how some teenagers live now like they like to go on parties, drink beer and do this type of things and i dont like it.  (student 1. ročníku)

Well for me the movie was somewhat confusing. I think I got the message it wanted to show, but still I had to think about it for quite some time. Overall the movie wasn't bad, at some points it was boring, but let's be honest that's nearly every movie (apart from Harry Potter, of course). So if I were to rate it on a scale from 1 to 10, I would give it a solid 7. The thought about how a friendship between girls can look like and how consent is one of the most important things in a relationship was very beautiful. So to summarize all of this, I got lost at some points, but it was a very  intriguing and thoughtful movie. (studentka 1. ročníku)

I didn't like the film. I don't think it was appropriate for the run-up to Christmas. In my opinion, almost nothing happened in the movie. The plot wasn't great. And it kept repeating: get up in the morning and go to a party. I thought the film was weak. (student 2. ročníku)

Since it was almost a whole month ago I don´t remember that much, but I know it influenced me in some way. I feel like I was thrown into the plot of the movie and I was experiencing the same emotions as the girl herself. I don´t mean like I was going through something similar, but I was just feeling with the girl. I was obviously sorry for her, because she was excited for this trip, even though I don´t understand why she needed that particular experience to enjoy her trip with her friends, but it was her decision. So who am I to judge…I really liked the ending, because I knew the girl had a really special friendship with her friend and she wasn't going to leave her alone, so it showed the platonic love these two friends shared. I really appreciated this movie and I wouldn't be mad if we went to something similar next time. (studentka 2. ročníku)

In my opinion the movie that we saw was great. Because I think that the movie was really accurate to how teenagers live these days and how they think when they go to parties or something like that. And the topic with the sex we could maybe say „rape” is really important and people who experienced it need talk about it. (student 3. ročníku)

The movie was okay but not too good. I am the type of person who likes romantic comedies with happy endings, so I expected justice for the girl at the end. It is not a movie I would watch to chill but if it was on Netflix I would probably do it. Even though i would rate it as 6,3/10 i think it is important to watch these movies sometimes, because a lot of this stuff is happening but people don't really share it with even their closest friends (understable).The plot was interesting but I think it could be better to see her deal with this condition and at the end have a happy family. (studentka 3. ročníku)

At the beginning of the film, there was some report of sexual harassment, therefore I thought it would be about that. But at the end I had even problems realize where the sexual harassment in the film exactly was. The plot wasn’t good either. There was just a lot of clubbing and screaming. I think I didn’t learn anything new and I didn’t enjoy this film at all. (student 4. ročníku)

Thank you for selecting the movie for us to watch before Christmas. The film evoked a range of emotions in me. I found it challenging to watch due to the hard subject. I prefer movies that offer a more uplifting or thought-provoking experience. (studentka 4. ročníku)

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